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Why meditation? My journey...

Hi, lovely to welcome you here! I'm Victoria (she / her), a Berlin based lover of all things art, PR professional in the cultural industry as well as certified meditation and mindfulness instructor. 

In a nutshell, I personally came to meditation some years ago, initially quite “simply” seeking more time, during which I was forced to put my phone away, to not distract myself and to find some balance in my busy day to day life –  as many of you probably can relate to one way or another… I enjoyed my job (and still do) but it also also came with lots of over hours, constantly being "on" and reachable. Over time I felt less and less able to relax and not fully connected to myself. I reckoned, there must be a different, a better way for myself. What I found (and still constantly discover, as meditation is a continuous practice) was not "only" stress reduction and more balance in my life, but something much deeper, more valuable and meaningful to me. A way of nurturing connection with myself, my intuition, and the world around. I could go on and on about what it feels like to me, but I believe no journey compares and what counts for you, is your experience and what it means for yourself.

Meditation is an invitation to encounter oneself – so honestly, there is really nothing that could go wrong here and no one who could know what you need better than yourself! 

So, if you want to take up your own meditation practice (if you haven't already), or if you have tried in the past and you feel like you "can't do it", why not give it (another) try? Keep in mind, that there are so many different ways how to meditate, not every technique has to be for you. I think there is a beauty in exploring what resonates most with you, learning about different technique and traditions (and most importantly experiencing them), staying open and curious – letting go of too much expectation, while still committing. Because yes, meditation is a practice. And a journey that isn't linear - it's about meeting yourself day by day and accepting what is without judgement.

The good news is, that this commitment could look like starting to dedicate just 5-10 minutes per day, time you are not loosing but giving yourself.

Something, that I love about meditation is, that with a non-dogmatic approach, it it is really inclusive and accessible for all, no matter from which angle or perspective you approach it. In other words, it can be whatever you need it to be: a science-based tool helping to create more focus, attention and stress reduction, it can also be a spiritual journey and anything in-between. You decide! In any case I believe it is a wonderful path of growth, self-exploration and reflection. 

I completed my Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher Training not to be a "teacher" (in my opinion no one needs that, as we each have the answers within) but to offer you a roadmap through your own journey, to support, to hold space, and to be an accountability partner. 

And I look forward to doing this twice a week (Thursdays and Fridays at 8 a.m.) in two beautiful studios in Berlin: Vea Studio in Kreuzberg and House of Healing in Prenzlauer Berg. 

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Why meditate?: Über mich

I completed Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher Training with the School of Positive Transformation. A scientific-based training taught by Dr Itai Ivtzan, accredited by IMMA (International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance).

Why meditate?: Über mich


Why meditate?: Text
Why meditate?: Instagram
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