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I created Calm Space and the MINDFUL MUSING inspiration letter as a passion project: A place for mindfulness, meditation, musings and a collection of "joy sparkers" in everyday life. ​

With everything currently going on in the world, I believe more than ever, that we need conscious moments of pause, dedicated to joy –  not to look away from serious, important issues, but to find a balance and to still recognize the good, that is always around! Joy in itself is so manifold and takes on many beautiful forms - exciting, passionate, blissful and energetic but also quiet, mindful and introspective. 

So this is what the MINDFUL MUSING INSPIRATION LETTER is all about – it's not a newsletter but rather a personal letter, sharing with you the little bits & pieces around mindfulness, meditation, inspiration, art and anything joyful I come across. This might be a playlist, a quote, a guided meditation, a piece of art, an article, journal prompts, recipes – let's see where the journey takes us each month. Spreading joy only makes it grow, and I'd love to share my humble and personal monthly curation of "joy sparkers" with you.

As Julie Andrews sings in The Sound of Music (one of my favorite childhood movies): "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, these are a few of my favorite things..." 

So what inspires me, lights me up? Some of my favorite things, in no particular order and by far not complete, are: Art in all forms (especially performing arts), dancing, moving my body, walking through my city with open eyes and discovering it over and over again, photography, the sound of rolling waves, peonies and lilies of the valley, the beauty of nature but also the buzz of cities, books, music, laughter, connecting people and ideas, community, inspiring conversations with my friends, love, family, good food, aesthetics, making 

culture more accessible, the scent of Linden trees, my first morning coffee, the philosophy of technology, lifelong learning and of course meditation!

While meditation itself is not the center point of the MINDFUL MUSING inspiration letter, if you want to know more about why I came to it, take a look here

I welcome you to join the community of Mindful Musers and to take this joyful journey together! 

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